Requirements for facilities with monthly throughputs less than 10,000 gallons of gasoline (These requirements also apply to tanks with capacities of less than 250 gallons at all facilities, regardless of throughput).

Facility operators\owners must not allow gasoline to be handled in a manner that would result in vapor releases to the atmosphere for extended periods of time. Measures to be taken include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Minimize gasoline spills
  • Clean up spills as expeditiously as practicable
  • Cover all open gasoline containers and all gasoline storage tank fill-pipes with a gasketed seal when not in use.
  • Minimize gasoline sent to open waste collection systems that collect and transport gasoline to reclamation and recycling devices, such as oil/water separators.
  • You must have records available within 24 hours of a request by the Administrator to document your gasoline throughput.
  • You must comply with these requirements by the applicable dates shown under “When do gasoline dispensing stations have to comply with this rule?” on the main Stage 1 Controls web page.

Requirements for Facilities with monthly throughputs of 10,000 gallons of gasoline or more (These requirements only include tanks with capacities of 250 gallons or more, tanks with less than 250 gallon capacity must comply with similar requirements as facilities with less than 10,000 gallon monthly throughputs - see 63.11117(c) of the Federal Rule.

Facility operators\owners must comply with all requirements set forth in the Requirements for facilities with monthly throughputs less than 10,000 gallons of gasoline stated above 63.11117(a) of the Federal Rule. In addition to those requirements, these facilities must comply with the following:

  • Submerged fill pipes installed on or before November 9, 2006, must be no more than 12 inches from the bottom of the storage tank. (63.11117(b)(1) of the Federal Rule).
  • Submerged fill pipes installed after November 9, 2006, must be no more than 6 inches from the bottom of the storage tank. (63.11117(b)(2) of the Federal Rule)
  • You must have records available within 24 hours of a request by the Administrator to document your gasoline throughput.
  • You must submit the applicable notifications (see section on Notification Requirements in the Federal Rule).
  • You must comply with these requirements by the applicable dates stated under “When do gasoline dispensing stations have to comply with this rule?” on the main Stage 1 Controls web page.

Requirements for facilities with monthly throughputs of 100,000 gallons of gasoline or more: (Unless the U.S. EPA determines contrary to our current interpretation, these apply to all facilities constructed or reconstructed after January 10, 2008 EXCEPT: any tank with a capacity less than 250 regardless of construction date; tanks with a capacity less than 2,000 gallons that were constructed before January 10, 2008; gasoline storage tanks equipped with floating roofs, or the equivalent. These must comply with Requirements for Facilities with monthly throughputs of 10,000 gallons of gasoline or more shown above - see 63.11118(c) of the Federal Rule.

Facility operators\owners must comply with all requirements set forth in the Requirements for facilities with monthly throughputs of 10,000 gallons of gasoline or more stated above (see 63.11118(c) of the Federal Rule). In addition to those requirements, these facilities must comply with the following:

  • VREach management practice in Table 1 that applies to your gasoline dispensing facility (see 63.11118(b) and Table 1 of the Federal Rule). Note that all new or reconstructed facilities in this category must be equipped with dual point (see picture) vapor balancing systems.
  • Cargo tanks unloading at these facilities must comply with the management practices in Table 2 of the Federal Rule.
  • Applicable testing requirements listed under “Testing and Monitoring Requirements” of the Federal Rule.
  • Submit applicable notifications as required in the section entitled “Notification Requirements” of the Federal Rule.
  • Keep records and submit reports as required in the section entitled “Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements” of the Federal Rule.
  • You must comply with these requirements by the applicable dates shown under “When do gasoline dispensing stations have to comply with this rule?” on the main Stage 1 Control web page.

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