The Community Child Protection Team (CCPT) and Child Fatality Prevention Team (CFPT) was established and designated by the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 7B-1406. The team promotes the development of a community-wide approach to the problems of child abuse and neglect and seeks ways to protect children from preventable deaths.
To accomplish this mission, the team works under procedures established by the director of the Forsyth Department of Social Services. The team reviews selected cases that are being serviced by child protective services and cases in which a child had died of suspected abuse or neglect. Annual recommendations are presented to the Board of County Commissioners regarding any system improvements or needed resources where deficiencies may exist.
In November 1994, the Forsyth County Community Child Protection Team (CCPT) was chosen as a pilot county to begin functioning as a Child Facality Prevention Team (CFPT), encompassing the CCPT members and adding several others serving from various disciplines. The General Statutes governing the composition of the CFPT changed effective July 1, 1995 and Forsyth County's Child Protection Team decided to function as one (1) team, the Community Child Protection Team/Child Fatality Prevention Team (FC CCPT/CFPT).
According to N.C.G.S. 7B-1407, each Local Team shall consist of representatives of public and non-public agencies in the community that provide services to children and their families and other individuals who represent the community. Each Local Team shall consist of the following persons:
In accordance with the General Statutes, the County Commissioners may appoint a maximum of five (5) additional members to represent County Agencies or the Community at large to serve on the Team as adopted by Resolution on 8/28/95.
Members are appointed for three-year terms. There is no limit on the number of terms a member may serve. Terms of appointment are from July 1 to June 30.
4th Wednesday of each quarter, 8:15 a.m., in the Boardroom, Forsyth County Public Health located at 799 Highland Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC and convened by the FC CCPT/CFPT Chair, Mr. Marlon Hunter.
The following appointments are open for applicants:
Capacity and Additional Information | Deadline to Apply |