The mission of the Advisory Council shall be to assure effective and efficient use of the Home and Community Care Block Grant through education, training, data and statistical review toward the development of a comprehensive and coordinated community based system of services, opportunities, and protections for adults aged 60+. Activities to be pursued by the Advisory Council in achieving the mission include:
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To advise the Board of County Commissioners for their decision-making process concerning the needs, funding for services, priorities, resources, long-range planning, and other issues, which affect services to the elderly through HCCBG.
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To monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery for service providers receiving Home and Community Care Block Grant funds and advising the Board of County Commissioners on recommended budget adjustments for these services through The County Funding Plan
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To promote partnerships with HCCBG funded agencies and groups, public and private, to further the aims of the Advisory Council in on-going or special projects in collaboration with the Forsyth County Aging Services Planning Committee (FCASPC)
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To communicate the Advisory Council activities to the FCASPC on a regular basis at regularly scheduled meetings.
Voting Members: The Advisory Council shall consist of no less than 7 and no more than 13 voting members who are residents of Forsyth County appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Recommendations for appointments may come from the Advisory Council, the FCASPC, the community, other volunteers, elected officials, or the Board of County Commissioners. Of the total membership at least one voting member shall be an informal caregiver. Also, voting members shall be individuals who are supportive of the mission of the Advisory Council and who possess qualities of leadership to assist the Advisory Council in achieving its mission. 51 % of voting membership shall be aged 60+. The membership shall also include service recipients.
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New members are required to go through an initial orientation with the Area Agency on Aging within an appropriate timeframe. As part of an orientation to the Advisory Council, new members are also encouraged to schedule site visits with each of the HCCBG funded providers within the forst 3 months of appointment.
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Voting membership will strive to include representation from each of the following areas: Housing. Mental Health, United Way, Developmental Disability Community, Faith Community, Adult Care Homes, Nursing Homes, Home Health Care, Hospitals / Medical Community, Law Enforcement, Funders, Other Agencies Serving Seniors.
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Non-Voting Members: Non-voting members shall be allowed to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Advisory Council. The Forsyth County Manager shall be an ex officio non-voting member of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall also include as ex officio non-voting members, the following: 1 member representing the Board of County Commissioners, 1 member representing the Area Agency on Aging (AAA), 1 member representing each AAA funded provider, 1 member representing the FCASPC.
Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Advisory Council occur on the 4th Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
The following appointments are open for applicants:
Capacity and Additional Information | Deadline to Apply |