A voluntary, incentive-based program designed to improve water quality through the
installation of various best management practices (BMPs) on urban, suburban and
rural lands, not directly involved in agricultural production. CCAP consists of
educational, technical and financial assistance provided to landowners by local
soil and water conservation districts.
Eligible landowners may include: homeowners, businesses, schools, parks, churches, and community groups. Essentially, all private and publicly owned lands are eligible for the program.
As North Carolina’s land use is changing and rapidly becoming more urbanized, CCAP can educate landowners on water quality and stormwater management, as well as retrofit practices to treat polluted stormwater runoff and ultimately improve the water quality of our state’s waterways.
Interested landowners submit applications to their local soil and water conservation districts. Applications will be ranked based on local water quality priorities. If eligible, a conservation plan is prepared for the applicant to install the BMP (a landscaper may be used). The landowner may be reimbursed up to 75 percent of the pre-established average cost of the BMP.
For more information, contact us by email or call (336) 703-2850.