• By Lynne Mitchell
  • Posted Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What produce is in season in May?

From asparagus to zucchini, early summer crops are coming in season in Forsyth County. Now is a good time to get out to a local farmers market to purchase fresh in-season produce.

Fruits and vegetables are naturally packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber and are low in calories. When you purchase items in-season, especially those grown locally, you get optimal freshness, nutrition and taste.

Growing or buying foods grown locally supports an “in my backyard” way of thinking. If you aren’t sure how to “go local”, start by shopping at a local Farmers Market or asking the produce manager at your grocery store what they carry that is grown in Forsyth County or North Carolina. You can also buy directly from farmers that run a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. With a CSA, you pay an upfront dollar amount to a farmer and get a box of produce on a regular schedule in return. For do-it-yourselfers, plant your own garden. The great thing about having your own garden is that you can size it to suit your needs and space. Go seasonal, go local!

Click here for a flyer detailing what is in season in May.