• By April Bowman
  • Posted Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Forsyth 4-H'ers Win Wildlife Habitat Contest

Forsyth County 4-H had nine 4-H members that participated in the State Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) contest May 12th at Mountain Island Educational State Forest. The junior team consisting of Luke Arrowood, Ethan Cook, Zane Richardson and Cana Hooker placed first in the state among 9-12 year olds. Luke Arrowood was the second high junior in the state, Ethan Cook was fifth, and Zane Richardson was ninth. Other participants were Calleigh Wilson, Avery Hadzapolous, Victoria Richardson, Will Alverson and Matthew Richardson. The team is coached by Carla Arrowood and assisted by Angie Cook and Melinda Barrick. Learn more at https://forestry.ces.ncsu.edu/4h/.


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