NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the citizens of Forsyth County that a Statewide Presidential General Election will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The purpose of the election will be to elect candidates for the following offices: President; U.S. House of Representatives - District 05 and 12; NC Governor; NC Lieutenant Governor; NC Attorney General; NC Auditor; NC Commissioner of Agriculture; NC Commissioner of Insurance; NC Commissioner of Labor; NC Secretary of State; NC Superintendent of Public Instruction; NC Treasurer; NC State Senate – District 31 and 32; NC State House – District 71, 72, 74, 75 and 79; County Commissioner - District B (three seats); Register of Deeds; Supreme Court Associate Justice (one seat); Court of Appeals Judge (three separate seats); Superior Court Judge – District 21B and 21D; District Court Judge – District 21 (seven separate seats); Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor (one seat); Mayor of High Point; High Point City Council At-Large (two seats); and, High Point City Council Ward 5.
The voting places may be obtained by calling the Forsyth County Board of Elections or viewed on the web site, The last day of registration for those not previously registered is Friday, October 12, 2012. The last day on which qualified voters who have moved their residence from one precinct to another precinct within Forsyth County may transfer their registration is also Friday, October 12, 2012. Voter registration forms must be received by October 12, 2012 if delivered in person or postmarked by October 12, 2012 if mailed, in order to be valid for the November 6, 2012 General Election. Otherwise, a current Forsyth County registered voter who has moved within the county may transfer their precinct on Election Day according to the provision of G.S. 163-82.15 (e). Registration forms are available from the Board of Elections office, public libraries, various government offices, registration drives, and other public locations. Contact the Forsyth County Board of Elections office for a complete list.
Individuals who are not certain whether they are registered should contact the Forsyth County Board of Elections. The registration records will be available for public inspection by any elector of Forsyth County at the Forsyth County Board of Elections, 201 N. Chestnut St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, (Monday – Friday, 8-5) or at
Mail out no excuse absentee ballots will be allowed in this election for all voters. One-Stop, no excuse absentee voting will take place at the Forsyth County Board of Elections office, October 18, 2012 through November 3, 2012. Information on absentee voting procedures and on additional One-Stop locations and times is available by contacting the Forsyth County Board of Elections office at (336) 703-2800 or at
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the date designated for the 2012 General Election, the polls in Forsyth County, North Carolina shall open at the hour of 6:30 AM and shall close at the hour of 7:30 PM.
This is the 20th day of September, 2012.
Signed: Linda J. Sutton, Chair
Forsyth County Board of Elections